• Support@sustainabring.com

About Sustainabring

Sustainabring is a platform that aims to encourage people to look into and act on climate change. Sustainabring provides its users with a wide range of 'initiatives' - actions that can help reduce carbon emissions such as using wax wraps instead of cling film or using a reusable bag next time you shop. To complete an initiative, users have to complete the steps involved with the initiative. By completing these steps, users can win fun rewards such as discounts, vouchers, free products and free samples exclusively for Sustainabring users.
Sustainabring also provides information about climate change, from its consequences to explaining its myths.

If you have any further questions about climate change that you need answering,


Sustainabring was created to help people understand the idea of climate change and encourage people to act against it. Around the world, climate change is becoming an evermore pressing issue for both people and the planet. Already the world is seeing the Greenland ice sheet melt, severe erosion on some of the islands of the Malives, and bushfires becoming more prevalent in parts of Australia. All of these events can be largely attributed to climate change. It is important for everyone to try and do what they can to reduce their emissions. Although the actions of one person cannot reverse the entirety of climate change, the combined actions of individuals can help in slowing its progress.

Sustainabring was created to help individuals do just this - to come together and reduce their impact on the environment. Sustainabring has rewards for 'completing initiatives' - actions that reduce one's carbon footprint - which further encourages a wide range of individuals to take action.